Sound therapy
How does sound therapy work?go to section
Which instruments are used?go to section
Are there training courses in sound therapy?go to section
The most important facts in brief

The most important facts in brief

  • The basis of sound therapy is sound massage with Singing Bowls.
  • The aim of singing bowl therapy according to Hess is to put people in a state of calm through sound. By calming the nervous system, anxiety and pain can be alleviated.
  • In addition to Singing Bowls , other instruments such as gongs and cymbals can be used in sound therapy.
  • The Peter Hess® Institute offers training in the field of sound therapy.

How does singing bowl therapy according to Hess work?

The basis of the Peter Hess® sound methods is sound massage with therapeutic singing bowls. The sound massage can contribute to the harmonization of body, mind and soul and thus strengthen the self-healing powers. This has been confirmed by modern conventional medicine, especially in multimodal therapies.

Good to know

It has also been proven many times that listening to sounds influences feelings and sensations and positively stimulates the emotional center in the brain. In addition, the vibrations of Singing Bowls create a flow of energy in the body, the body resonates and can bring itself back into balance. 

The aim of singing bowl therapy according to Hess is to use sounds to put people in a state of calm and thus enable them to completely switch off, relax and leave the stresses of everyday life behind them on the one hand and to listen to their inner voice through body awareness on the other: What moves the subconscious? Where are there mental blockages or barriers? With the help of a trained sound therapist, blockages can be overcome holistically.

The application of Hess singing bowl therapy is suitable for professional groups such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech therapists as well as alternative practitioners and psychologists. The sound methods can be considered and applied both as a supplement to the respective form of therapy and as an independent method. The sound settings taught in the Peter Hess® Institute training courses combine to form a flexible counseling and therapy concept. This can be individually varied in the accompaniment, counseling and therapy of children, adolescents, families or adults.

What are sound settings?

Sound settings define the framework in which the use of sound takes place and is experienced.

"An important aspect of body and body psychotherapy-oriented sound therapy is the strengthening of basic trust. Basic trust means being in contact with one's own feelings. The sounds and their creative use enable a positive attitude towards oneself. By releasing tensions on a physical level, the original powers of the soul are set free again."

Ulrich Krause, Fachverband Klang-Massage-Therapie e.V.

Effect of singing bowl therapy

The work with Singing Bowls belongs to the field of biophysical order therapy and is based on the idea that living beings are ultimately vibrating systems. Every person has their own vibrational patterns - both on a cellular level, via tissue associations and organ-related. These vibrational patterns communicate with each other and influence each other.

The overtone-rich and long resonating sounds of Singing Bowls have the effect that even people with massive stress reactions find inner peace. This can alleviate anxiety and even pain. The sound, used with innovative methods, creates distance from the problem and inner events. It calms the nervous system and has a stabilizing effect, for example during the processing phase of certain topics.

In our video, Peter Hess personally explains the effect that sound therapy, such as sound massage, can have on our body and mind.

The effect of sound therapy is also reflected in the relationship between therapist and patient: professionals who use sound integratively in a psychological professional field have confirmed that patients enter a state of calm through sound settings before talk therapy, which has a positive effect on the course of treatment and is a confidence-building measure.

"The use of Singing Bowls is an effective therapeutic tool - a holistic addition to therapeutic interventions. The effect of Singing Bowls with appropriate settings can significantly facilitate access to the patient and increase the effect of interventions."

Ulrich Krause

Which instruments are used in sound therapy?

The main instruments used in sound therapy are Singing Bowls . The Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls were specially developed for sound massages. They are characterized by special vibration and sound properties. There are different types of Singing Bowls for different areas of the body, such as pelvic bowls, heart bowls and universal bowls.

Get to know the manufacturing process

The production of a Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowl is an enormously complex process. In our article "Production of Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls" you will gain an in-depth insight into the numerous work steps, the materials used and our strict quality controls.

The gong is also often used as an instrument in sound therapy, as it also provides deep relaxation. Like Singing Bowls , gongs originally come from Asia, where they were used in rituals and ceremonies. There are various types of gong, which differ in shape, sound and material. The sound of a flat gong, which is often used in sound therapy, is voluminous. At strike , a deeply penetrating basic tone unfolds and helps to ground the client.

These instruments are mainly used in sound therapy:

Are there training courses in the field of sound therapy?

The Peter Hess® Institute (PHI) offers various training courses in the field of sound therapy. The training and further education concepts of Peter Hess® Sound Therapy were created with therapists who have integrated sound into their work for years and have experienced the synergy effect of profession-specific therapy and sound therapy for the benefit of their clients.

Peter Hess® Sound Therapy for Healing Professions comprises the training courses "Sound Therapy Practitioner" as the entry level and "Peter Hess® Sound Therapist" as the specialization level. The therapy training courses relate to both body therapy and body psychotherapy content. Therapeutic processes can be given a solution-oriented direction through this work and often experience a new dimension.

The Peter Hess® Institute (PHI)

The Peter Hess® Institute (PHI)

The PHI offers professional training and further education in sound massage with Singing Bowls and the sound methods based on it. The PHI seminars are aimed at people who want to do something good for themselves and get to know themselves better, who want to expand their professional skills and qualifications or develop a new professional field of activity. Peter Hess® Academies all over the world are affiliated with the PHI.

To the PHI