Hess Sound
In his search for an accompanying healing method, the graduate engineer for physical technology made his first encounters with Singing Bowls in Nepal.

In his search for an accompanying healing method, the graduate engineer for physical technology made his first encounters with Singing Bowls in Nepal.

As part of a research project, Peter Hess spent several months in Nepal in 1984 taking measurements of places of power and energy. During this time, he became acquainted with Singing Bowls through an ethnomusicologist friend.

Interview: Peter Hess' personal path to sound

The Eastern concept of "Nada Brahma", which can be translated as "The world is sound", became a direct experience for him and was to fundamentally change his future life. His insights into the special effect of sounds in traditional music as well as in rituals and healing formed the basis for the idea of sound massage that emerged there. Peter Hess began experimenting with Singing Bowls while he was still there, and a first form of sound massage soon emerged.

Peter Hess on his trip to Nepal in 1984

Peter Hess bought an initial stock of old Singing Bowls in Nepal and used them in self-awareness seminars he offered in Germany. The positive findings from these first seminars led to a rapid further development of the method. This led not only to the sound massage training that is now taught worldwide according to a standardized curriculum, but also to the development of many specialist seminars that are offered at today's Peter Hess® Institute.

In addition to founding the Peter Hess® Institute and publishing relevant specialist literature, the engineer began to set up his own production of specially designed sound therapy products Singing Bowls as early as 1989. These were intended to meet his high standards for sound and material.

All products from the sound pioneer exclusively at Hess Sound

All products from the sound pioneer exclusively at Hess Sound

To this day, Peter Hess® Singing Bowls is subject to the highest quality criteria so that it has an incomparable sound and vibration quality. The continuous design and improvement of these products is based on many years of research and work in the field of sound massage and sound therapy. The exceptionally high-quality Singing Bowls under the Peter Hess® label are manufactured and quality-tested by Hess Sound. They can only be found in their entire range at Hess Sound. The store near Bremen and the online store are run by daughter Jana Hess, the second generation of the family to do so.

To the Peter Hess® Singing Bowls store

Our sound specialists carefully listen to each individual Singing Bowl and assign it to different quality levels.

Therapy quality

Therapy quality

Only Peter Hess® Singing Bowls, which carry the "Therapy" label, are suitable for therapeutic use. Peter Hess® therapy singing bowls are forged from a cast blank. The elaborate forging technique ensures that they vibrate much longer and more evenly. Even though a good pre-selection process takes place in the production countries of Nepal and India, some bowls do not meet the requirements for the "Peter Hess® Therapy" seal of quality. For this reason, all Singing Bowls are intensively tested again for quality in Germany.

To the therapy singing bowls
Singing Bowls Types - which Singing Bowl is the best & right one for me?

Bowls come in different sizes and are made from different materials. Our guide is designed to help you get to know the Singing Bowls types and their areas of application and find the right Singing Bowl for you and your needs.

To the guide
Singing Bowls-Application

In order to enjoy the unique sound experience of a Singing Bowl , the right application is crucial. The Singing Bowl itself, its placement, the striking technique, the choice of mallet, the room - all of these have an effect on the intensity of the sound. Here we give you a few tips on how to exploit the full sound spectrum of your Singing Bowl .

To the guide
Overview of Singing Bowls for sound therapy

The Peter Hess® therapy singing bowl series is optimally tailored to the needs of Peter Hess® sound massage and Peter Hess® sound methods. These Singing Bowls are available in different types of singing bowls, which address specific areas of the body particularly well and can be used by professionals in a targeted manner. The individual types each have a characteristic shape and size as well as sound and vibration quality.

To the guide
35 years of experience

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35 years of experience

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What our customers say

Super friendly and competent customer service. Very professional and caring personal advice. You can never be disappointed. I recommend this store to everyone!

Krystyna P. from Karlsruhe

I bought a wonderful Singing Bowl, very calming, good for falling asleep, in a practical set. Arrived well packaged and was delivered quickly.

Valerie S. from Gießen

Very friendly communication, fast shipping, top goods. I am very satisfied. Absolutely recommendable store.

Martin W. from Neunkirchen

I have already purchased many Singing Bowls/accessories there. I have always received very good goods and the delivery is always very fast. I am delighted. The packaging was always appropriate. I really enjoy browsing the store.

Hazi Haz from Essen

Hess Sound is the first choice when it comes to high-quality Singing Bowls, gongs and accessories. Congratulations on the 30th anniversary!

Wolf cash register

Welcome to the Hess universe

Hess Universe

Welcome to the Hess universe

Peter Hess combines the production of Singing Bowls, its sale, training and further education in sound methods and the representation of the interests of those trained. We would like to introduce you to this sound universe here. Find out how everything is connected!

To the Hess universe