Our anniversary event in 2024 - Transform Your Life with Sound

Our anniversary event in 2024 - Transform Your Life with Sound

Under the motto "Transform your life with sound", a very special sound congress will take place from March 1-3, 2024 in the Stadthalle Gersfeld/Rhön and online. Peter Hess, who developed sound massage 40 years ago, will provide insights into his new concept of "sound transformation" by accompanying you through the congress days with wonderful sound meditations from this concept.

Further inspiration on this topic is also provided by the opening lecture by consciousness scientist Prof. Dr. Thilo Hinterberger: Sound transformation - A sensual-scientific look into the mysterious power of sound.

And the sound transformation can be experienced in a very practical way in the workshop of the same name with Peter Hess and Ulrich Krause. Based on his own life story, the great sound pioneer will show you how you can achieve more mindfulness, creativity and resilience with just 5 minutes of sound a day. In the workshop, you will take the first of a total of seven steps and learn sound exercises for your daily sound practice. As the icing on the cake, there are two free follow-up appointments for this workshop online via Zoom so that you can continue on the path of sound transformation together.

Take a look at www.klangkongress.de and find out what else awaits you at the Jubilee Sound Congress 2024!

40 years of Peter Hess® Sound Massage - truly a reason to celebrate

The varied program of the anniversary event with exciting lectures, inspiring workshops and a wonderful concert by the congenial musician Peter Gabis promises self-care as well as impulses for you and your sound practice. A crowning highlight will be the festive evening followed by a party on Saturday evening, where we will not only celebrate 40 years of Peter Hess® Sound Massage, but also 35 years of Hess Sound and 25 years of the International Association for Sound Massage Therapy. So, join us and let's celebrate together and enjoy the sounds!

Experts share their knowledge with you

Numerous experts and sound professionals will share their wealth of experience in the lectures and workshops of our anniversary sound congress from March 1-3, 2024 in the Stadthalle Gersfeld/Rhön and online.

Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of sound and be inspired by how you can use Singing Bowls for self-care or in your job. Depending on your interests and focus, you can choose from impulse workshops. These will not only give you specific practical suggestions, but you can of course also enjoy the sounds yourself. For example, you can choose from the following:

  • Sound transformation - taking life into your own hands (again) | Peter Hess & Ulrich Krause
  • With sound to more mindfulness and self-compassion | Peter Gabis
  • The Art of Living - The Art of Living Your Primal Trust | Emily Hess
  • Singing Bowls in Wellness and Beauty | Claudia Keskinen, Nicole Herkert & Jana Hess
  • Exploring the fascinating world of Singing Bowls with children | Marion Buhlmann
  • Trauma-sensitive sound work - focus: socio-political overwhelm | Angelika Rieckmann & Stefanie Margarete Glocke
  • Singing Bowls in nursing and hospice care | Daniela Abel
  • Experimental Gong Experience | Zeljko Vlahovic
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