The abdominal area is a particularly sensitive part of the body that can react to stressful situations with digestive problems, abdominal or stomach pain. The sounds here can be a wonderful way to offer gentle relaxation. This is especially true for menstrual cramps.
Sound exercise for the solar plexus
- Lie relaxed on your back and make yourself as comfortable as possible.
- Position the Singing Bowl on your solar plexus. This is the area roughly halfway between the ribcage and the navel and is also known as the "solar plexus" in autogenic training.
- Make sure that your head and the arm with which you want to use the Singing Bowl strike are well supported so that there is no unnecessary strain.
- Now gently tint the Singing Bowl from the outside at the top edge.
- If you like, close your eyes and focus your attention entirely on your solar plexus. Notice how the sounds massage this area and how pleasant relaxation gradually spreads from there.
- Take a deep breath and repeat this several times.
- Then put the Singing Bowl to one side and feel for yourself. Close your eyes again and feel inside yourself. Everything you perceive is allowed to be and is okay.
- Enjoy the pleasant relaxation that has spread through your abdomen for a few more moments.
- Take a few deep breaths before stretching, opening your eyes and returning to your everyday life.
Source: Sound exercise from the book: "Singing Bowls - my practical companion", 2018, p: 75, author: Peter Hess