Christmas time - time for self-care & transformation

Christmas time - time for self-care & transformation

The Christmas season invites us to pause, reflect and do something good for others as well as ourselves. Why not choose a gift this year that not only brings joy, but also lasting change and well-being?

Christmas Special: Set Sound Transformation

Our Christmas special, the sound transformation set, is made for just that. It contains the Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowl universal bowl in premium quality, which offers a gentle approach to relaxation and inner balance. In addition, the inspiring book "The transformative power of Singing Bowls" by Peter Hess accompanies you on your path to more mindfulness, resilience and creativity with practical exercises, sound meditations and a 7-week program. Finally, our soft double felt mallet rounds off the set and provides soothing sounds and vibrations.

A gift for others - or yourself

Self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity in order to master life's challenges with serenity and strength. With just 5 minutes of sound a day, you can open the door to more peace, clarity and joie de vivre - for yourself or for a loved one.

With our Christmas offer, you can give yourself or others a treat that will last far beyond the festive season!

To the set Sound transformation


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