Singing bowls in Beauty, Spa & Wellness
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The most important facts in brief

The most important facts in brief

  • With the help of the sounds of Singing Bowl , cosmetic and spa treatments are given even more harmony and tranquillity.
  • In the beauty sector, Singing Bowls is used for facial treatments, reflexology massages and pedicures, for example.
  • As a beautician or wellness practitioner, you can train in the Peter Hess® sound methods.
  • In the wellness and spa sector, Singing Bowls is used for fantasy journeys, sound yoga and wellness sound massages, for example.
  • There are special training courses for the Peter Hess® Wellness Sound Massage.

Beauty and sound

In the beauty sector, Singing Bowls can have a wonderfully supportive effect. The holistic relaxation method of sound massage developed by Peter Hess became established in many beauty and spa facilities decades ago. With the help of the sounds of Singing Bowls , treatments become even more harmonious and calm. Desired effects can be intensified and the additional deep relaxation makes every treatment a little time-out for the soul.

Possible uses of sound in the beauty sector

There are many different ways to use sound in the beauty sector. Before an application, for example, it is a good idea to sound a Singing Bowl in the head area to relax the facial muscles. This allows active ingredients to be better absorbed by the skin. The gentle vibrations of a Singing Bowl are also ideal for preparing the hands and feet for a reflexology massage and loosening them up beforehand.

While a mask or body wrap takes effect, the relaxing sounds of a Singing Bowl or a gong can help customers to switch off. They also experience a short singing bowl meditation. In this deep relaxation, they can be completely with themselves and forget everyday life for a moment.

However, Singing Bowls can also be a wonderful addition to manicure or pedicure treatments. While their hands or feet bathe in warm water enriched with essential oils in an XLSinging Bowl, customers can feel the gentle vibrations of the sounding bowl.


A water-sound bath has both a relaxing and invigorating effect, as the vibrations also promote blood circulation. People who often suffer from cold hands or feet particularly appreciate this effect.

Examples of possible applications:

  • Relaxation of the muscles before facial applications
  • Getting in the mood for a reflexology massage
  • Short singing bowl meditation during the application
  • Water-sound bath with manicure or pedicure

Additional training for beauticians

If you are a beautician or wellness practitioner who is also trained in the Peter Hess® sound methods, you can combine Ayurveda, wellness or cosmetic treatments wonderfully with the soothing sounds and provide a very special experience. This can also be a unique selling point compared to the competition. If you want to offer your customers something special or are looking for new impulses for your own field of work, we recommend the day seminar for beauticians from the Peter Hess® Institute.

In this seminar you will learn about Singing Bowls and elements of Peter Hess® sound massage. Under expert guidance, you will gain initial experience with the Singing Bowls, learn specific sound exercises and experience sound relaxation in a partner exercise under guidance.

Particular attention is paid to the possible use of the decolletéSinging Bowl. The gentle vibration of this peel stimulates the thymus gland, which plays a key role in building up the immune system. The body's own collagen formation is supported, the skin pores open and the active ingredients of the care products can work better.

"In our one-day seminar, we present individual sound applications that you can integrate into your beauty treatment. You can put what you learn directly into practice."

Peter Hess

Wellness and sound

In the wellness and spa sector, too, there are numerous ways of using Singing Bowls or gongs to enrich the offer. In addition to the classic sound massage, short sound relaxation sessions are popular with many wellness customers, for example for the abdominal area. To do this, position a Singing Bowl slightly above the navel at the level of the solar plexus and strike it gently in a slow rhythm. This area reacts very sensitively to stress and tension, which is why the sound vibrations are often perceived as particularly beneficial here. The sounds travel through the body in even waves and relax the entire tissue.

In addition to treatments for individuals, wellness hotels often also offer group treatments. Sound and fantasy journeys are particularly popular. Here the participants follow a pleasant narrative voice and harmonious sounds. Such fantasy journeys are also available on CD for private use.

Meditation & Yoga


Meditation & Yoga

The trend towards actively contributing to one's own well-being during a wellness vacation is also reflected in the popularity of sound yoga - an innovative style of yoga that is accompanied by sounds and uses them as a source of strength.

Learn more about sound yoga

The Peter Hess® Wellness Sound Massage

The wellness sound massage is a wonderful addition to the wellness and spa area. Short sound sessions promise sound enjoyment with regenerating relaxation. The Peter Hess® Institute has developed special training courses for this.

The Peter Hess® Wellness Sound Massage training includes the basics of Peter Hess® Sound Massage and three special wellness sound massages. These three offers set different accents and last 25, 35 and 45 minutes: Vital Sound - relaxing from head to toe (25-minute back sound massage), Emotion Sound - soothing vibrations flow through the body (35-minute sound massage) and Natural Sound and Inner Soul - being in harmony with yourself (45-minute sound massage).

Participants also receive initial suggestions on how the soothing sound elements can also be combined with classic offers, making them more attractive and effective. Simple group activities such as sound meditation and imagination are also part of this seminar.


The contents of the seminar can also be learned as part of the five-day intensive Peter Hess® Wellness Sound Massage training and are suitable not only for the spa area, but also as a supplement to any sound massage practice.