The Peter Hess® sound massage: How it works

The Peter Hess® sound massage: How it works

During a sound massage with Singing Bowls , both hearing and feeling are addressed simultaneously. The harmonious sounds with their slow beats trigger feelings of safety, security and well-being and quickly create a soothing sense of relaxation.

The most important facts in brief

  • The Peter Hess® Sound massage is a holistic relaxation method.
  • The singing bowl massage is based on ancient knowledge about the effects of sound.
  • Therapy singing bowls are positioned on the clothed body and gently tapped.
  • A distinction is made between the "basic sound massage" and the "individual sound massage" that builds on this.
  • Sound relaxation releases the physical tension accumulated in everyday stress and brings peace to your thoughts.
  • The Peter Hess® Institute offers training to become a sound massage practitioner.

What is the Peter Hess® Sound Massage?

In everyday life, you are often confronted with moments of stress. Maintaining inner peace and serenity is becoming increasingly difficult in our performance-oriented society. However, if harmony with yourself and your environment is permanently disturbed, this can lead to illness. This is where the Peter Hess sound massage comes in as a holistic relaxation method in which therapeutic singing bowls are positioned on the clothed body and gently tapped.

A sound massage creates a comprehensive sound experience that goes far beyond hearing sounds with your ears.

The sound of Singing Bowls makes it easier for people to let go and reduce anxiety. In recent years, Peter Hess has optimized the sound massage method on the basis of numerous practical experiences and the results of various research projects and adapted it to people's needs. Today, the possible applications range from gentle, mindful relaxation to targeted use in the healing and medical professions. Sound therapy is also used specifically in body therapy and body psychotherapy. Here, sound and the gentle massage of sounds are used to support various forms of therapy.

The Peter Hess® Sound massage goes back to ancient knowledge about the effects of sound, which was used in the Indian art of healing over 5,000 years ago. In the Eastern conception, man was created from sound. According to this view, only people who live in harmony with themselves and their environment are able to shape their lives freely and creatively.

Sound massage, as taught at the Peter Hess® Institute, is based on a system that has been tried and tested in practice for over 35 years, which responds to people's needs and strengthens what is healthy. The Peter Hess® singing bowl massage is characterized by an interplay of three factors:

  • The technique of sound massage
  • The sound material of Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls
  • The principles of the Peter Hess® sound methods:
    • Mindfulness
    • Appreciation
    • Holistic approach
    • Less-is-more principle
    • Solution and resource orientation
    • Dialogical cooperation

How does sound massage work?

Sound massage is more than just a technique and requires a sound background knowledge combined with a great deal of experience and skill in order to be able to use it individually.

A distinction is made between the "basic sound massage" and the "individual sound massage" that builds on this.

The basic sound massage

Three Singing Bowls types are used in the basic sound massage: the universal bowl, the heart bowl and the pelvic bowl. They address certain parts of the body particularly well with their respective frequency spectrum. The basic sound massage takes about 45 minutes in total, plus the obligatory preliminary talk, the resting time to feel and perceive changes and the final follow-up talk.

The individual sound massage

In the individual sound massage, the set sequence of the basic sound massage is modified to suit the client's needs and supplemented with additional sound massage elements. Additional Singing Bowls, gongs or cymbals can also be used for this purpose.

As mentioned at the beginning, the Singing Bowls are placed on the different parts of the body and sounded by a sound massage practitioner.


During a sound massage, hearing and feeling are addressed in equal measure: The harmonious sounds calm your mind, while the fine vibrations that emanate from the sounding and thus vibrating Singing Bowl gradually spread through your body.

Most people are able to relax quickly and deeply from the very first sound massage. Feelings of safety and security often emerge. In this soothing atmosphere, contact with one's own needs and inner voice is possible again. The body is experienced in a pleasant, soothing and conscious way.

What are the benefits of a singing bowl massage?

Every singing bowl massage and sound experience is unique and can vary greatly from person to person. Sound relaxation releases the physical tensions accumulated in everyday stress, thoughts come to rest, worries, insecurities and fears fade into the background. The soul is given space to unfold and can let go. This letting go is a good basis for revitalizing and strengthening self-healing powers, for regeneration, problem-solving and learning. The possible applications are correspondingly diverse.

On a physical level, the sound vibrations are transmitted to the body as organizing impulses and can cause a relaxation of tissue tension. They therefore help to reduce physical tension and blockages.

With its relaxing, harmonizing and vitalizing effect, the Peter Hess singing bowl massage can make a valuable contribution to strengthening your health and form the basis for shaping a self-determined and creative life.

The Peter Hess® Institute draws on decades of practical experience. The following effectiveness features have been identified:

  • Holistic method - addresses body, soul and spirit
  • Causes deep relaxation
  • Strengthens people's basic trust
  • Makes it easier to "let go" - physically and mentally
  • Contributes to health promotion: Harmonization, regeneration and vitalization
  • Supports and improves body awareness
  • Can activate unused resources
  • Strengthens self-confidence, creativity and motivation
  • Promotes joie de vivre and creativity

The positive effects of singing bowl massage on stress management and the feeling of well-being with and in one's own body have already been proven in several studies.

Is there a training course in Peter Hess® Sound Massage?

Yes, the Peter Hess® Institute offers training to become a Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner. Participants learn step by step how to use sound massage specifically to relax and strengthen health for themselves and others.

The sound massage itself is experienced, discussed and reflected upon in an intensive experience and learning space. The focus is on mindful interaction with clients and the safe delivery of the basic sound massage. Topics relating to the psyche, soul, aura and chakras are also included here.

After learning the basics, mastering and understanding the sound massage techniques, participants practise creating individual sound massages for different client needs. In doing so, their own attitude as a sound massage practitioner plays a key role.

Peter Hess® Institute

The Peter Hess® Institute offers professional training and further education in sound massage with Singing Bowls and the sound methods based on it. The PHI seminars are aimed at people who want to do something good for themselves and get to know themselves better, who want to expand their professional skills and qualifications or develop a new professional field of activity. Peter Hess® Academies all over the world are affiliated with the PHI.

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