Singing bowl meditation outside: make a deep connection with nature

Singing bowl meditation outside: make a deep connection with nature

Outdoors, surrounded by nature, we often feel more connected and at the same time find our own center more easily. The beauty and abundance that surrounds us, especially in spring and summer, can be deeply impressive. A walk in the forest or being mindful in the midst of plants and trees are very simple ways to let go of thoughts and ground yourself more in the here and now.

What if you could experience nature even more intensely? The Singing Bowl can help you to connect even more deeply with nature. To inspire you to use your Singing Bowl more outdoors, we would like to share simple instructions for a singing bowl meditation in nature with you in this text.

1. preparation for meditation with Singing Bowl in nature

Store your Singing Bowl and your mallet safely in a bag. A special Singing Bowls case or a singing bowl bag is best suited for this. A Singing Bowls cushion or a felt coaster for your Singing Bowl can also be helpful, but is not a must.

You don't have a Singing Bowl and matching mallets yet?

We recommend the Peter Hess® Universal Bowl for beginners who want to delve deeper into working with sound in the future. If you would like to use the bowl mainly for meditation, the Peter Hess® Sangha Meditation Sound Bowl can also be a good alternative. As a suitable mallet, the soft felt mallet from Hess Sound is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

2. find a beautiful place in nature

Find a quiet and green place in nature that particularly appeals to you today. This could be in a park near you, a forest or even your garden. Which trees and plants do you particularly like? Which smells do you find particularly pleasant? Trust your first intuition and follow your instincts. Once you have found a place, set yourself up with your blanket, your Singing Bowl and any other items you have brought with you so that you can stay here comfortably for a while.

3. place the Singing Bowl

Find a comfortable, upright sitting position and place the Singing Bowl in front of you on the floor or your cushion or coaster. You should be able to easily reach the Singing Bowl with your mallet without having to leave your upright sitting position or stretch your arm too far. Now close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself and calm down.

4. find your grounding

Imagine how you release more and more weight towards the floor. Your hips become heavier and the connection between your legs and the floor becomes stronger and stronger. Your inhalation can help you to focus and with your exhalation you can release more and more weight towards the ground. Perhaps the image of a tree slowly taking deeper and deeper roots into the earth will help you. Feel the grounding and how this strengthens the connection to your surroundings.

When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and consciously take in the beauty of nature around you. Let your gaze gently wander over the lush green of the leaves and the vibrant colors. Notice the smell that surrounds you and how the air touches your skin.

5. connect with nature through a mantra

If it feels right for you, you can focus on individual plants, trees or elements and repeat this mantra quietly or aloud a few times:

"I see the beauty of nature in every detail."

Keep your gaze on the tree or plant until you have absorbed its full splendor.

6. integrate your Singing Bowl

Now bring your attention to the Singing Bowl in front of you. Look at it with appreciation and notice its shape, texture and the light that is reflected from it. If it feels more comfortable for you, you can also place the bowl on the palm of your hand. Take the mallet in your hand and gently tap the Singing Bowl on the upper edge. Feel the gentle vibrations and the sounds that spread around you. Strike the Singing Bowl again as soon as the sound has faded.

7. combining sound and nature

Consciously notice how the sound flows out into the vastness of nature. Focus on details in your surroundings and pay particular attention to them. This could be a single leaf moving in the wind, the strong trunk of a tree or a flower that particularly appeals to you. Take in the full beauty of your surroundings. You can also close your eyes again and again to bring your attention back to yourself and your grounding.

8. let body, sound and nature become one

Feel how the sound of Singing Bowl flows into your inner being and how the vibrations spread throughout your body. More and more you absorb the vibrations of Singing Bowl and allow them to flow through your entire being.

Now imagine how your body itself becomes Singing Bowl and the nature around you resonates. You now consciously return the vibrations that you have absorbed from your Singing Bowl to your surroundings. Stay with this image for a few minutes until you can perceive the steady flow of energy more and more.

Now listen to the sounds of nature: the singing of the birds, the rustling of the leaves, the rustling of the wind. Let the sound of Singing Bowl merge with the natural sounds of your surroundings. Feel how the sound of Singing Bowl amplifies the vitality and energy of nature and deepens your connection with nature. Let the peace and harmony of your natural surroundings permeate you and enjoy being one with nature.

9. end the singing bowl meditation in nature

Strum the Singing Bowl one last time and let the sounds fade away. Now return your focus to your breath. Breathe in and out evenly through your nose a few times while you once again listen carefully to the sounds of nature around you.

Before you open your eyes again, take a moment to notice what has changed and what you experienced in nature during the meditation with Singing Bowl .

Connecting with nature on a regular basis helps you to find more peace and serenity. You can gain better access to your inspiration and get in touch with your inner wisdom. Above all, consciously connecting with our natural environment reminds us that we are never separate from each other and are in constant interdependence. If we take good care of our environment, we also take good care of ourselves. Meditating with Singing Bowl in nature can help you to remember this again and again and to better perceive the needs of your environment and act accordingly.

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