Sound accompaniment for elderly and sick people

Sound accompaniment for elderly and sick people

The many possible uses of Singing Bowls are no longer a secret. Sound massage has been used in care settings for many years to accompany older people on their journey. This form of non-verbal communication reaches people at their core, even if they are already living in seclusion. However, sound massage is not only a good way to get in touch with seniors in care homes - Singing Bowl can also be used in the family to find peace and relaxation together. We show you how you can use sounds in everyday life to create positive effects.

What effect do the sounds of Singing Bowls have on older people and the sick?

Everyday life has shown that sound massage can have a variety of positive effects. The sounds are mainly used to

  • To enable relaxation
  • to maintain and promote the perception of the senses
  • support your own body awareness
  • activate the body's self-healing powers
  • Reduce pain and thus reduce the amount of medication administered
  • Promote communication and create non-verbal communication opportunities
  • Reduce anxiety and provide support and security
  • to enable a social connection between patients, relatives and nursing staff
  • to bring some variety into everyday life.

The advantages are therefore obvious. Of course, not only seniors and patients benefit from the positive effects of sound methods, but also family members, friends and care staff. It is important to consider the sounds of Singing Bowls not just as a possible means of therapy, but as a form of communication in its own right. Those who can no longer or no longer wish to express themselves can still use Singing Bowl to express their feelings.

Singing Bowls in retirement homes - an important part of care for a long time

The sounds of Singing Bowls appeal to a variety of senses. Of course, the ear is particularly relevant, as it is stimulated by the gentle sounds of Singing Bowl and experiences an intense experience - but the sound waves that penetrate the body and create a feeling of calm and security are also relevant to the sound massage. Peter Hess® sound massage is already widely used in care homes to support their residents in their daily lives and to make everyday care easier. The focus here is clearly on prevention: maintaining and promoting the senses. The sound exercises are often combined with movement sequences to enable holistic training, for example as part of balance and coordination exercises.

But even when patients are already introverted - for example due to progressive dementia - sound massage has shown fantastic results in everyday life. Patients who have not spoken to relatives or care staff for many years have been encouraged by the sounds to reconnect with the outside world. Here, the sounds of Singing Bowls are used as a form of communication in their own right. The results in everyday life were so convincing that many employees from the care sector have already written specialist articles on the use of sound massage in everyday care and a separate study on this topic is to be carried out in the coming years.

Singing Bowls in your everyday life

The calming effect of Singing Bowl can be perfectly integrated into everyday life - whether you want to support your relatives in a care home or ensure a pleasant feeling of well-being at home. Of course, spending time together is also an important factor. If you opt for the sound elements with your relatives, the moment is all yours. You can draw strength together from the special moment, the soothing sounds and the harmonious togetherness.

The aspect of security and support is also particularly important. It is not uncommon for people to feel defenceless and in need of help in old age. The worse the existing illnesses are, the stronger this feeling usually is. The tranquillity of the soundscape restores a sense of security and creates a moment of safety in which you can completely let go and relax. An important point in sound massage is the principle that you are allowed to be as you are - even if only for a moment. The simplicity of the individual sounds allows inner access to one's own worries without being overwhelming. The focus here is on listening to and feeling the sounds, not the thoughts of everyday life. The sounds help you to let go, even when you are facing a difficult time - regardless of whether it is ageing itself, a serious illness or possibly even imminent death.

Beautiful moments with sound

In this context, spending time together with the sounds and harmonious vibrations of Singing Bowl is primarily intended to create a beautiful moment. The different forms of perception that are addressed at chime , the special experience of one's own body and the well-being resulting from chime - all of this makes up the beautiful moments that the sound methods make possible. Where there are usually barriers between people, Singing Bowl creates a bridge of communication. This can happen in everyday private life as well as in everyday care work. Sound methods are limitless - because they enable access to a level that cannot otherwise be reached.

How you can accompany your fellow human beings with sound

Your own parents or grandparents are getting older - and it is not uncommon for worries, fears and health problems to increase with age. The uncertainty of old age is often associated with a feeling of unease and restlessness. Fears increase and otherwise positive thoughts change. Relatives are seemingly helpless in the face of the situation, but the sounds can also support and unite here. The calming effect of Singing Bowl is a valuable aid to ageing, as it eases essential fears and creates a shared moment of peace and security.

The body awareness is strengthened by directly addressing the different senses, which in turn can have an invigorating and motivating effect on your loved ones. Above all, however, you are spending a moment together with your loved ones that is dedicated just to you - this alone gives your loved ones a feeling of security that can make everyday life easier. It's never easy watching your own parents or grandparents slowly grow older. Knowing that sooner or later you will be affected yourself can also make everyday life more difficult. With sounds, there is a way to forget your worries for a moment and take advantage of the positive effects created by the gentle waves of sound.

Sounds in palliative care - peace on a difficult path

In the field of palliative care, a great burden lies on the whole family. Relatives suffer from the approaching loss, while the dying person faces the uncertainty of death. All the uncertainties affect the way we live together - and finding some peace here, making the last days more enjoyable, is more valuable than ever before. Sounds can do just that: time spent together in a moment of absolute peace and serenity, carried only by the gentle waves of sound that take over the room. Being able to forget the worries of everyday life for a moment is valuable for those affected, but also for their relatives - and above all, it creates a connection that everyone involved can experience together.

Using the positive effects of Singing Bowl in old age

The older you get, the more valuable the time you spend is. What you take for granted when you are young can be a real gift in old age. Well-being, peace, time together - all these facets come to the fore during a sound massage. Whether you want to support your family members during a difficult time in hospital, seek non-verbal access to relatives with dementia or create a memory by spending time together - sound methods can be used in many areas of ageing. People and sound are united at the center to get the best out of every situation.

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